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Image of a website with clym widget open to show cookies used by website

Stay compliant with
all region-specific laws

Automatically deliver the right legal content to the right users in any jurisdiction.

See How It Works

In a globalized world, staying compliant with all privacy regulations is a challenge.

GDPR, CPRA, CCPA, CDPA, PIPL, LGPD... today, every country, state, or region seems to have its own set of data privacy laws. How do you provide your users with the relevant consent requests and documents in the language they speak?

Clym's answer is geofencing.

clym user interface with jurisdiction setting open

Location-based privacy content

Clym uses IP addresses of your website visitors to determine where they are and automatically show them the legal content relevant to their country or region.

  • Location-specific scripts, cookies, and legal documents
  • Content language set automatically
  • Users can toggle between languages and jurisdictions
clym user interface with website settings open

Compliance for everyone, everywhere

Clym's robust settings allow you to adhere to all location-specific privacy regulations.

  • Use Clym's database of regions and countries with their corresponding data privacy laws
  • Add and customize jurisdictions for less common locations
  • Adjust the widget, cookie settings, documents, and other features of each jurisdiction