IAB Transparency and Consent Framework integration with Clym

As of January 2024, Clym is proud to announce their approved status as the latest CMP to join IAB Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework v2.2 TCF.
Launched in April 2018, the TCF represents a voluntary cross-industry standard that leverages standardization to simplify adherence to specific provisions outlined in the ePrivacy Directive and the GDPR. Drawing principles and requirements from these legislative instruments, it tailors them to the unique landscape of the online industry, incorporating guidance from the EDPB at the EU level and Data Protection Authorities at the national level.
Developed through collaboration between IAB Europe, organizations, and professionals in the online sector, the TCF aims to facilitate cooperation between first parties (publishers of websites and apps) and third parties or vendors (technology partners supporting advertising and content delivery, personalization, or measurement). Its goal is to offer users a standardized experience when making privacy choices.
The TCF empowers users to either grant or withhold consent and exercise their 'right to object' to data processing. It encompasses practical requirements, derived from guidelines of Data Protection Authorities and legal precedents, ensuring users are informed, provided with privacy choices, and that such choices are respected.
In supporting TCF 2.2, Clym’s CMP plays a pivotal role in the data privacy landscape by providing users with a comprehensive understanding of the Vendors that a Publisher has selected to work with, by providing users with transparency and choices into the purposes that a Vendor wishes to leverage, by empowering users to provide informed consent to data processing activities that align with their preferences, and by communicating users’ choices to Vendors, wherever applicable, helping to ensure that user preferences are respected and honored.
By adhering to the TCF Policies, Clym’s CMP helps foster trust and confidence among users, ultimately leading to better and more meaningful interactions between users, publishers, and vendors.
For more information visit https://iabeurope.eu/transparency-consent-framework