Sunshine State Considers Shining the Light on Data Privacy Violations

The Florida House of Representatives introduced a data privacy bill which, if passed could change the landscape of the collection, processing and storage of consumers’ personal data in the state. If passed, the regulation would give Floridians the option to opt out of the data collection process and would force companies to disclose exactly what data they collect, store, and sell from customers. Additionally, the bill would allow Floridians to request that companies delete their data or fix data that is incorrect. At first glance, it appears that there are a number of similarities between the proposed Florida law and the California Consumer Privacy Act; however the final version of the bill may include additional nuances that will need to be considered. If passed, the bill would have an effective date of January 1, 2022.
Key Takeaways
There’s no one-size-fits all solution to global data privacy; implementing a static solution will lead to financial penalties that could be otherwise avoided by leveraging technologies to take the kind of dynamic approach needed to comply with global regulations as they continue to be enacted, implemented and modified.
How Can Clym Help?
Clym believes in striking a balance between legal compliance and business needs, which is why we provide a cost-effective, scalable and flexible platform to comply with LGPD, GDPR, CCPA and other laws, including those in the UK, as they come online. Our platform provides consumers with an effective and easy-to-navigate way to opt-out of data collection while not infringing upon the website UI that businesses rely on to drive revenues. Contact us today about how your company can implement Clym to help manage your data privacy regulation compliance from a global perspective.